thoughts from my brain. my perception of the world around me.
Here's to bitching around!!
Okay, I read this book '1984' a very long time ago. Pretty well written but, sombre book. The general impressoin left on me was one of depression. I went away with this rather horrific feeling that we are all subject to mind control in some form of another. In the book, I think that this is taken to the extreme, where Big Brother controls your every thoughts.

Now, that does not happen in the world around us. No one can control our thoughts. But, we are all subject to some form of mind manipulation. We are taught what to think by society. By our parents. By our bosses. Peers. TV, Books, and what have you?? So, what exactly is free thought all about?

The great thing is that we keep trying to break free from our shackles, only to find ourselves in other shackles. I remember my younger days of smoking pot, growing my hair to my shoulders, wearing torn clothes, all to shock the establishment. Now, at this time, I figured that I had what it takes to break free. Many years later, I figured that I had merely escaped the 'shackles' of my parent's upbringing to enter the shackles of a different group of buddies. Where again, we were expected to conform. To a different set of rules, to a different set of thought patterns and behaviours.

Now, I've entered the corporate sector. Okay, may years ago, actually. At the start of my career, I was a bit of a loner and, I rebelled.. Now that i've risen the ladder and, now that the stakes are higher, bang. I'm caught.

So, where is freedom?? Is it to be found inside us? Or, is it never to be found??

I don't seek to give answers. I seek to find them..

on Apr 14, 2004
The only way to be free is to now make kneejerk decisions and not to follow a party line. Most of us follow the whole plan. It isn't necessary. All you have to do is to make decisions on each idea and not to follow the party line. I've never done that my whole life and I don't now. I was a hippie who didn't take drugs and worked. I am a liberal who believes in Christianity. I don't fit any particular mold. You have a choice to do the same thing.
on Apr 15, 2004
I like the idea of what you say. Maybe, I wil try that. It's not the easiet thing to do. To create your own mould. That is very interesting indeed!!

To some extent, I also suppose it means that you break out own your own. You follow your own path. Yes??

Perhaps, the best is to walk along a path, wherever it may lead you..