I just saw "The Passion of The Christ". Or, is it called "The Passion of Christ"? Whatever.
I think that this isone of the most powerful movies that I have seen. And, one of the most disturbing. It's violent and, the relentless violence can seem, by some to be overdone. And yest, I don't think so. I believe that the violence is essential to the movie and, it is the violence that makes the movie and, it is the violence that should force us to question ourselves.
I am quite sure that what happened to Christ was quite similar to what was portrayed in the movie. There is no way to sanitise the events, no matter how much we may try to do so. And, this is what is so disturbing. For, at one level, this is not a movie about Christ. This is a movie about humanity at large.
This is us, that was portrayed. Us then and, us now. What has changed except that the methods may have become more and more refined.
The jews/pharisees who tortured and crucified Christ did so in passion. Bestial? No. No animal does this to another. They kill only for food, not for sport, the way we do.
Look again through history. The Crusades, the With Hunts, the treatment of slaves, the Second World War, the India-Pakistan partition, Saddam, the Americans torturing the Iraqis.
The list goes on and on. And, all in the name of God. Christ was killed for a "God". Who's word we interpret. This is us in the movie. No one else.
Pilate asks - What is truth? Is there a universal truth. The truth is perception. Your reality and perception versus mine. Who's truth is the truth? Yours? Or mine?
This is the veil that is always in front of us. The veil of illusion. What is the truth? And, where is it?